Thursday 21 October 2010

Uvw Mapping

Final mesh makes a bit more sense in where my face is and it is alot closer together the only problem i had with this is that the pixalising of the the picture it wasnt as clear as it could of been i think it would have been move helpful if it was clearer!

This is What the Wrong mesh looked lik as u can see the nose is way too far apart and if i was to apply this to my face the skin would not match up in the correct places so i had to go back and redo the whole process agen :(

the wrong mesh because my mesh on the model was inncorrect as when i flattened it the meshed apperred to far apart as i had not flatterened them properly and streched the squares nicely all over the object,,, this was due to my mesh on the actual head being a bit out of place i had a few spare polys hangin on the back of the head which disruppted the mesh eek!! :/

Final Checkered Material..

First time straigtening out the chequers u can see they are very much still stretched!

To Do unwrap uvw i used a chequered material in the material editor to make sure that it was all even so that when i placed the skin onto the object it wouldnt be stretched and would follow around the boject quiet nicely....

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