Tuesday 19 October 2010

Making The Head....

When The head Was Fully Made Using Shift And Pulling the Pollys Down i did come across a few problems with creating loads of triangle which was realli annoyin but i found that now i knew how to use the tools better like create and cut i found them really easy to edit..

This way my first attempt at the head it didnt come out to well so i decided to remake it agen as i qorked out what i had to do so that it would be easier to make second time around... i didnt make it big enough and i hat to strech the head n then the shape of the head did not come out to nice..

To make the head had to go back into photoshop and edit the typology of the head to get the shape, then back into 3dsmax to get a sphere and play around with it until it matched the size of my head... Then Using a Window & Crossing Tool to delete the pollys that i didnt need... i snapped the points together to the head once they are connected i used the loop and collapse tool to make less pollys which is a very good tool i found and useful to know!....Tto attach it to the face i selected it and clicked edit poly and then attach :)

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