Friday 22 October 2010

Evlauation Of The Project....

I found the overall project challenging but not impoosible to complete i did enjoy this project even though the mapping part was the hardest bit and took hours.

Doing this tutorial personally myself i found that i have learned alot more in the program like using certain fetures such as all the cut and welding and creating tools makes editing objects/polys more easier, ive started to use control + Z if u do something wrong in the program and a few other quick ways to do things... i also learnt the same with photoshop.

Things that i didnt think went well on the project was creating meshes i think i need to be more careful in how im making them or mabe think more about the shape of objects that im creating as in the project i found myself getting ahead then having to go back and edit some bits as i had not done things correctly or had bits sticking out, also mabe have spent more time on my skin to make it perfect as the images i was working with i feel was poor quality which made it hard at times.... if i had more time i would like to add some more features to it like mabe a necklace.

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